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Old 03-13-2024, 06:58 AM
kaveh kaveh is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 38

Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post
You said you tested the output. Do you own the MIni Eliminator II? I asked Bob about the stability issue. He said the frequency does not have to be perfectly stable. I did measure the target size ohms and it was about 10Mohms at the "Small" setting, 20 at the medium setting and 30 at the large setting. ALthough I have not done much with this device, I was in my yard and my dog could sense the signal line. He lay down on it. I turned on the TRN and after a few minutes he got up and moved over to where the actual target was. No joke!!! I think dog can hear the signal. One time I had one of those bird listening dish amplifier. I turned it to a transmitter and I could plainly hear the signal. Strange! And speaking about the signal line, the flux lines coming off the transmitter bundle up (gather together) right on the line to the target. When walking across the target line it is like the Lenz effect (where a magnet moving across a conductor produces an opposing magnetic field). This is how the rods move, I think. When crossing the signal line I feel like I am being squeezed though a small opening, and when I get through, it's like it pushes me. As for the sensation, I can feel it in my pulse. I can't explain it any better than that.
I tested the trasure navigator output. It does not have a very high output. Millivolt is enough. About 0.2 to 0.5 volts.
It is a good dog. I have never used animals to find metals underground. But I've heard a lot of talk about training animals to find metals underground.
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