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Old 03-28-2024, 11:41 PM
kaveh kaveh is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 38

Originally Posted by mustefa ubram View Post
Fitzgerald's devices are inefficient.They have mostly ineffective and incomprehensible compositions in terms of electronics
I did reverse engineering on the latest model of Fitzgerald device.NAVIGATOR.
This device only consists of an industrial signal generator.The only useful function of this device is to generate signals, and practically the rest of its parts do not work
I worked with this device in practice and did not see any positive reaction to this intended test location.
On the other hand, I worked with 2 devices from Deep Finders Company, which in turn were unique in the world of antenna trackers.
TD Max and Black Hunter
Both devices were very accurate The TD Max had a low depth radius and low performance compared to the Black Hunter
TD Max had 2 particle filtering modes that worked relatively well.In contrast, Black Hunter has several filtering modes to remove particles and...
I have been working with tracking devices for years, but none of them caught my attention in this way.

I tried to reverse engineer the Black Hunter, but unfortunately, after opening the box, I was faced with a large amount of hardened epoxy, which practically made the circuits inaccessible.
A friend of mine is bringing me a TD Max to reverse engineer soon As soon as TD Max reverse engineering, I will post information and schematics for you

At the end, I will put the images of Fitzgerald's navigator device circuits.

Mustefa Ubram
This is a sales ad. I know Deepfinders devices completely. These devices are copied from Fitzgerald devices and I have the frequency table that they provide to customers. With a slight change, they present the frequencies provided by Fitzgerald. Some time ago, the person who made the RD-PRO machine came to me and was not satisfied with the operation of the machine at all and asked me if I can make changes on this machine so that it can work.
These devices are manufactured in Gonbad, not in England.
Here we are looking for scientific topics. Find another way to sell your malfunctioning devices and don't give false information to others.
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